Life happens brother.. and it can become all that is.. However.. no matter what Winter happens!
so here is the afore mentioned Jack Frosty. I thought about building a full on custom frame for winter duty here in Chicago. I designed and noodled over this and that but came to the conclusion that a custom fancy ride was not needed. Rather... back to the basics that inspired me through luck and need. The frame is a 70's vintage fillet brazed schwinn sports tourer.. tough as nails and baby blue in color!! SWEET
The 'need' was a frame that was heavy and one size too small. I did not know this until after three seasons of snow ice and the long cold dark.. I did not appreciate the 'one size too small' until the black ice happened.. On more than a few occations spreading my kickers out to skid the slick pavement came in handy. The problem was braking and lighting. So... for power to the lights (stern and aft) a schmidt dynamo hub... braking came in the same package.. disk!! Gonna roll a Hope hydro system. Mechanical types fail in this salty environment. Cars use 'em so why not me as well???
I ride fixed wheel in the winter. A very low gearing. Gives absolute control on both sides of the pedals. The next key bit was carbide studded tires..Plastic fenders ( NOT fancy aluminum) and cruiser bars for stability and a more 'upright' position. I say upright in quotes because of the frame being one size too small the saddle is still high for good leg stroke and cranking power. The Nitto 'Dove' bars however allow for a comfy reach and position similar to my Hunter roady. good for trans season fit and feel..
Whats new is a custom fork. somthing that could not be found anywhere.. 1" threaded steerer ( at short length) + dynamo disk compatable ( lawer lips and wide enough)+ fenders...
so.. this is the start.. made the crown, tips, caliper tab and mounting fixture. Thanks Anvil and Paragon. Not alot of money here but I do have material and machines... You get the credit here.. I did NOT create these fine bits and tools.. they did.. Buy them!! Made in the U.S. and fine. I am a freak in a unique position to make for myself. so I did.. the crown and tips however are of my own.. will see how they work out.. Hey!! its my own body on the line here!! I would not ask any one else to try before I did myself..