Saturday, March 8, 2008

Been a while indeed!

Back at it after a long hiatus.. and my brazing chops were found lacking ( thank you for the spell check T.E.) . For all you 'new to building' folks looking at this, here is a case study of the importance of doing every day! Everything went well until the brazing. Using what I learned from finishing the last two frames, I wanted to minimize the tool cutting effort to 'face and chase' and prep the head tube. So I cut to length plus a very little bit. What I did not remember until some flux was fried that A) I just need to tack and B) the centering cones holding the HT are a huge heat sink. flowing the ends of the HT and the lug face proved impossible... Until I removed the tubes from the setup and finished off. I am still using too much silver and pushing bad torch position. The heat is up so.. I got carried away. The joint is fully flowed and strong however and The copes spot on. so all in all, a time for remembering and moving on.. just a bit more cleanup than I wanted to do. Rookie mistakes but the assembly is tighter than the first two so for that I am glad. Moving on... Seat tube and BBshell next

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